It is our pleasure to welcome you to Salam Academy, your community school, hereafter referred to as “S.A.”  The staff at S.A. is dedicated to providing the best possible education in an Islamic environment.  As the only accredited Islamic school in New Mexico, we strive to promote Islamic ideals and values.  Our emphasis is to produce future generations of Muslims who will carry the Islamic traditions and values forward.


S.A. counts heavily on parent involvement and support.  Parental and community support are crucial to the success of our institution. We hope that you will share the commitment to Islamic education by supporting school activities and volunteering your time on a regular basis.


We strongly emphasize parental support because it provides the bedrock for the parent/child relationship which is emotionally sustaining, contributing much to the strength of attachment by which the child feels secured.  It never loses importance no matter how old the child is.


These handbooks are to inform you about the school.  Please print, review and keep it for reference throughout the year.  Also, a school newsletter will be sent home whenever needed to keep parents updated and informed about school events.

2024-2025_SA_School Handbook
2024-2025 _ SA_School Handbook.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.7 MB]
2024-2025_SA_Employee Handbook
2024-2025 _ SA_ Employee Handbook.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [586.1 KB]
Parent Tool Kit for Drug Free Homes
Adobe Acrobat document [2.7 MB]
School Abuse Policies
2022 Salam Academy_school_abuse_policies[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [305.7 KB]
SA-Chromebook Policy
2022 SA- Chromebook Policy.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [214.2 KB]
S.A. Private Tutoring Policy
PrivateTutoring Policy.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [37.0 KB]
Preventing School Hate Crimes (Suggested Reading)
Adobe Acrobat document [57.5 KB]
Students with Disabilities (Suggested Reading)
Students with Disabilities.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1'007.0 KB]
Adobe Acrobat document [6.3 MB]
SA Re-Entry Process
2020- 2021 SA Re-Entry Process- updated.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [127.8 KB]
SA_Teacher Request Grade Skipping.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [423.8 KB]


Salam Academy
8015 Mountain Road Place  NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Phone: +1 505-888-7688

Fax: +1 505-888-7646

Email: questions@salamacademy.org

Or use our online form.


Office Hours

We can be reached during the following hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm during weekdays. School is closed on the weekends.


For summer office hours, please contact the school.



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© salam academy