States and Capitals Contest will take place on:
November 06, 2015
This contest is open to 3rd-8th grade students.
This is an elimination style contest much like the spelling bee:
Round 1
Judge says the name of the state and student has to say the capitol
Round 2
If all states and capitols are done and students are still competing, then the judge asks the state abbreviations.
Round 3
If all abbreviations are exhausted then the judge asks the year of statehood.
Round 4
If all years of statehood are exhausted then the judge asks the State Motto
If all students are not eliminated at this point, students will be
asked state flowers, state birds, state animal.
This study guide contains all the information they need except the state flowers, birds and animals.
In addition to studying this study guide:
-Review the packet you completed and correct your mistakes
-Play games online, just do a Google Search for “States and Capitals Games”
-Make and study flash cards from the email I sent to you and your parents on December
-Study over Winter Break to make sure you are ready for the Competition!
Good Luck! You got this.
Salam Academy Education Committee
Here are some learning resources:
Alabama - Montgomery
Alaska - Juneau
Arizona - Phoenix
Arkansas - Little Rock
California - Sacramento
Colorado - Denver
Connecticut - Hartford
Delaware - Dover
Florida - Tallahassee
Georgia - Atlanta
Hawaii - Honolulu
Idaho - Boise
Illinois - Springfield
Indiana - Indianapolis
Iowa - Des Moines
Kansas - Topeka
Kentucky - Frankfort
Louisiana - Baton Rouge
Maine - Augusta
Maryland - Annapolis
Massachusetts - Boston
Michigan - Lansing
Minnesota - St. Paul
Mississippi - Jackson
Missouri - Jefferson City
Montana - Helena
Nebraska - Lincoln
Nevada - Carson City
New Hampshire - Concord
New Jersey - Trenton
New Mexico - Santa Fe
New York - Albany
North Carolina - Raleigh
North Dakota - Bismarck
Ohio - Columbus
Oklahoma - Oklahoma City
Oregon - Salem
Pennsylvania - Harrisburg
Rhode Island - Providence
South Carolina - Columbia
South Dakota - Pierre
Tennessee - Nashville
Texas - Austin
Utah - Salt Lake City
Vermont - Montpelier
Virginia - Richmond
Washington - Olympia
West Virginia - Charleston
Wisconsin - Madison
Wyoming - Cheyenne
Alabama -We Dare Defend Our Rights
Alaska -North to the Future
Arizona - God Enriches Arkansas -The People Rule
California -Eureka! I have found it!
Colorado -Nothing Without the Deity
Connecticut -He who is transplanted still sustains.
Delaware -Liberty and Independence
Florida -In God we Trust
Georgia - Wisdom, Justice and Moderation
Hawaii - Ua mau ke ea o ka aina I ka pono. (The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.)
Idaho - Let it be Perpetual
Illinois - State Sovereignty, National Union
Indiana - The Crossroads of America
Iowa - Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.
Kansas - To the stars through difficulties
Kentucky - United we Stand, Divided we Fall
Louisiana - Union, Justice and Confidence
Maine -I direct
Maryland - Manly deeds, womanly words
Massachusetts - By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty
Michigan - If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you.
Minnesota - The star of the north
Mississippi - By valor and arms
Missouri - The welfare of the people shall be the supreme law
Montana - Gold and Silver
Nebraska - Equality before the law
Nevada - All for our country New Hampshire Live free or die
New Jersey - Liberty and Prosperity
New Mexico - It grows as it goes
New York - Excelsior
North Carolina - To be, rather than to seem
North Dakota - Liberty and Union Now and Forever, One and Inseparable
Ohio - With God, all things are possible
Oklahoma - Labor conquers all things
Oregon - She flies with her own wings
Pennsylvania - Virtue, Liberty and Independence
Rhode Island - Hope
South Carolina - Prepared in mind and resources, while I breathe, I hope.
South Dakota - Under God the people rule
Tennessee - Agriculture and Commerce
Texas - Friendship
Utah - Industry
Vermont - Freedom and Unity
Virginia - Thus Always to Tyrants
Washingdon - Bye and Bye
West Virginia - Mountaineers are always free
Wisconsin - Forward Wyoming Equal rights
Alabama - AL
Alaska - AK
Arizona - AZ
Arkansas - AR
California - CA
Colorado - CO
Connecticut - CT
Delaware - DE
Florida - FL
Georgia - GA
Hawaii - HI
Idaho - ID
Illinois - IL
Indiana - IN
Iowa - IA
Kansas - KS
Kentucky - KY
Louisiana - LA
Maine - ME
Maryland - MD
Massachusetts - MA
Michigan - MI
Minnesota - MN
Mississippi - MS
Missouri - MO
Montana - MT
Nebraska - NE
Nevada - NV
New Hampshire - NH
New Jersey - NJ
New Mexico - NM
New York - NY
North Carolina - NC
North Dakota - ND
Ohio - OH
Oklahoma - OK
Oregon - OR
Pennsylvania - PA
Rhode Island - RI
South Carolina - SC
South Dakota - SD
Tennessee - TN
Texas - TX
Utah - UT
Vermont - VT
Virginia - VA
Washington - WA
West Virginia - WV
Wisconsin - WI
Wyoming - WY
Alabama - 1819
Alaska - 1959
Arizona - 1912
Arkansas - 1836
California - 1850
Colorado - 1876
Connecticut - 1788
Delaware - 1787
Florida - 1845
Georgia - 1788
Hawaii - 1959
Idaho - 1890
Illinois - 1818
Indiana - 1816
Iowa - 1846
Kansas - 1861
Kentucky - 1792
Louisiana - 1812
Maine - 1820
Maryland - 1788
Massachusetts - 1788
Michigan - 1837
Minnesota - 1858
Mississippi - 1817
Missouri - 1821
Montana - 1889
Nebraska - 1867
Nevada - 1864
New Hampshire - 1788
New Jersey - 1789
New Mexico - 1912
New York - 1788
North Carolina - 1789
North Dakota - 1889 Ohio - 1803
Oklahoma - 1907
Oregon - 1859
Pennsylvania - 1787
Rhode Island - 1790
South Carolina - 1788
South Dakota - 1889
Tennessee - 1796
Texas - 1845
Utah - 1896
Vermont - VT 1791
Virginia - 1788
Washington - 1889
West Virginia - 1863
Wisconsin - 1848
Wyoming - 1890