It is a comprehensive online service that offers solution to managing classroom information and providing a means of communication between students, teachers, parents, and school administrators.
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Student Education Records
Student education records are the property of the school. Examination of records shall be allowed only with proper officials in attendance. Education records shall not be removed from school premises without permission of the school principal. Copies of the records made by the school office for those individuals granted written authorization.
The School shall only release information from or permits access to an education record upon receiving a written request form from a parent except in the following conditions:
If a student seeks or intends to enroll in another district or a post-secondary school, the district shall not further notify parents or students prior to such a transfer or records. Parents and Students have the right to obtain copies of the records transferred under this provision.
If certain federal and State officials need information in order to audit or enforce legal conditions related to federally supported education programs in the school.
To comply with a judicial order or lawfully-issued subpoena. S.A. shall make a reasonable effort to notify the parents before making a disclosure under this provision.
S.A. will charge $10 per copy for official transcripts.
Legal Reference: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, P.L. 93-380.