Mode of instructions: Blended (Hybrid or on-site plus web based learning)
We are excited to announce the addition of the High School component to Salam Academy. Salam Academy will house our NM Connections Academy students at the school while they take the non credit Arabic and Islam classes. Students will receive their High School Diploma from the NM Connections Academy.
Another great opportunity that high school students will have is leadership development. The High School students will develop leadership skills and serve their school community and the community at large. This ties directly into our school vision of creating outstanding American citizens who are trained to be leaders in their family, their community, and the American society as a whole.
In order to join our high school, you will need to work with New Mexico Connections Academy in order to enroll. New Mexico Connections Academy accepts its students on a first come first serve basis. The first day of enrollment is on March 1. Ms. Fedah, will be collecting documents necessary to register. They will scan the necessary documents and fax them over to the appropriate place. Provided below is a list of documents that we need:
Salam Academy will be charging nominal fee for offering;
Please contact the school for more details:
Salam Academy is conducting a survey to decide the need to implement 9th grade and what the community is looking for in a high school
education. Please help us out by taking the time to do the survey. The link for the survey is below.
What do you need to graduate from High School?-
Statewide Cyber academy: IDEAL-NM at-