Elementary School


At the elementary campus we believe every staff member, parent, and student plays an important role in the education process as we work together to promote the spiritual, academic, and social success of each child.


Our history proves that children meet high expectations. Through stimulating and fun curriculum, our students are challenged academically.


In morning assembly sessions, love of the God and patriotism are upheld.


knowing that when we invest in the life of a child, we invest in the future.




Teachers contact: Click here



Salam Academy
8015 Mountain Road Place  NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Phone: +1 505-888-7688

Fax: +1 505-888-7646

Email: questions@salamacademy.org

Or use our online form.


Office Hours

We can be reached during the following hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm during weekdays. School is closed on the weekends.


For summer office hours, please contact the school.



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